
Those betting on Biden to win the Presidency must be feeling very poor right now. In the Presidential debate Biden couldn't keep his own train of thought, and wandered into silence. Rather than waste television time, the moderator (a strong Democrat) cut him off and went on to other things. Biden said he wants a second debate, and still wants to run for re-election. If he doesn't change his plans, everyone will change them for him.


I'm not expecting this to happen, but this is one of those golden moments in time when people can come together and make things right. I'm thinking of the American Deep State. They were designed to provide the tools to help the country. Instead, they consider themselves in charge of everyone, including the President. Anybody who looks at them the wrong way gets onto the short list for getting whacked.


If the Democrats have anyone strong to run for President, let them put that person up right now. If not, let Trump enter into a grand deal with the Deep State. They have to confess all of their crimes, like whacking JFK. And they have to neutralize all of their illegal spying on American people. They won't be able to be convicted of anything they confess to. Forgiven. Then they have to follow American laws and take future orders from the President, whoever that may be.


At this moment in time, everything is up for grabs with the American Presidency.